Rock Band

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BRAWLER9612's picture
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So me and my Bros went to a friends house and they had Rock Band for PS2
Lets just say that we played it for over 10 hours
Heres a small review that I thought I should write
Rock Band is a great game (even for ps2, surprisingly).
Pros-they are really fun to play and they feel like you are actually playing the drums
Cons-Bass lever is sometimes hard to push and you can get hand cramps

Pros-REALLY FUNNY if suck at singing (ME AND ONE OF MY BROS)
Cons-Sometimes its hard for people with low voices on high songs

Pros-same old awesome guitar
Cons-rock band guitar doesnt make clicking noise

Pros-same old awesome bass
Cons-not nearly as fun as guitar

Squirtle's best move is B-Down

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Dodo_JZ's picture
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I feel the need to elaborate and share my take on the game (which is very similar to yours I might add).

You mentioned hand cramps for the bass lever? I use my foot for the bass level, but not everyone's the same. Drums are very realistic, which makes the experience better, but it's really difficult for the untrained gamer, even on medium.

Bass is actually fun I find when playing certain songs. Any difficult song on bass is fun, although you're right, guitar is better, there's no such thing as a bonus solo on bass in Rockband. I find you can make it fun with upstrumming the notes.

Once again I agree on guitar. The Rockband guitar lacks the click which is critical for faster strum where you have to do alternative strumming. The guitar is clearly not meant for lefties. The strap is not centered at the back of the neck, so it blocks the solo keys for lefties (solo keys are the only pro about Rockband's peripheral guitar, GH guitars are far better).

Cheers :)

ss4444gogeta's picture
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i think he meant you can get hand cramps while playing everything but bass drum. its a whole lot easier to push down on the white ones for wii.

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