resident evil 4 anyone else agree?

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agent39's picture
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i have played the gamecube version of resident evil 4 and although the graphics and most of the story are the same in the wii version it is still a great game to purchase again for the wii and i think the control scheme is great

Ben's picture
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That is one of the most true statements I have ever heard. What a good game.


kjizzle's picture
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getting my head cut off in real life really pisses me off, so when i play resident evil 4 i dont get as irritated. Resident Evil 4 is not for people with phobias of good games... thats all

petros_gr's picture
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Really great game. Though i certainly hope capcom discovers the word "strafing" someday..

kjizzle's picture
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you can strafe in metroid... i think if its like the other ones, lock on to guy strafe around.. pwn the noob alien

regalado's picture
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yes great game. I hope the next game is just as good.