Report says we buy fewer games...

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judland's picture
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...than other console game owners. According to a report I read last week, Wii owners buy less games than PS3 or XBox owners.

I've had my Wii for thirteen months now, and I think I have a pretty healthy collection of Wii games. Of course, I don't waste my money on other consoles, so I guess I can spend more on my Wii.

Scott's picture
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I feel that is true. I only own a few games and that is because I am not tired of playing them. I only had Sports and Play for months before I bought my first "real" game.

When I had a PS2 I had upwards to 30 games. Well, I was easily bored after a while so I needed a new game. With the Wii I do not get bored with the games.

Think Quality vs Quantity = Wii vs PS3. What would you prefer?

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i could see how this is true
i agree with scott

Cheesy142's picture
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I also agree with that, I know lots of people that have only 1 or 2 games other than wii sports and Wii play (usually brawl and/or mk wii). I personaly have 15 games.

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seems likely
I have:

MK Wii
Guitar Hero 3
Super Paper Mario
Cars Mater National (not as bad as it sounds)
Rayman Raving Rabbids
Madden 07 (ugh...)
Zelda: Twilight Princess
Super Mario Galaxy
Boom Blox
Wii Play

so 11. plus about 6 gamecube titles ive picked up since getting the Wii. not a bad library so far, though im playing through my recently opurchased Metroid prime 2 so I can get the 3rd.

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I'm going to get Super Paper Mario, how is it?

Yeah the Wii has such great quality games I'm not going to stop playing any of them, they just don't get old!!!
I have:

MK Wii
Guitar Hero 3
Zelda: Twilight Princess
Super Mario Galaxy (I might get rid of this)
Boom Blox
Wii Play
Mario Strikers Charged (I might get rid of this)
Mario Party 8 (this is my bros. but I think he should get rid of it)
Battalion Wars 2

I only want to get rid of some of them so I can get money for new games!!!

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well, Paper Mario was my first real wii game, and I beat the main story mode after a long time. It was interesting if you are patient and you are willing to read lots. There are lots of things to "collect" and try to get throughout the game, and it gets challenging in some parts. Over all, it wasn't all that hard, and I still haven't beat every aspect of it yet, but it gets boring after story mode. It would be a good game to rent a couple of times until you beat it, but it's not really worth buying when you look at all the new games that just came out and the future games.

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keep galaxy, i wasnt blown away by charged though, and havent played bw2 but havent read many good things

super paper mario is an excellent game, though definitely hard to get through. ill admit that on about 4 occasionsi got too frustrated to go on and resorted to an online strategy guide. not one of my most proud oments as a gamer. but the gameplays great, and suprisingly, the storylines is really really good as well. this is no bare-bones, bowser captures peach kinda mario, this game has an actual storyline, complete with supporting characters and my personal favorite Mario bad-guy of all time. I recommend the game

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whoa. I beat you heroofhyrule! (by like 5 seconds) Both of our reviews pretty much said the same things here and there. Well, RevosBrother, I would buy the game if it looks fun to you. It was not on my favorites, but still very good.

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Thanks, but now that I think of it my friend has the game so I'll see if he will let me borrow it!!!
I hope he does but I think the game is his brothers so he might not let me!!!!

Oh, & I think I'll keep Mario Galaxy, my little brother hasn't played it yet!!

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Hey HeroOfHyrule,
i know this doesnt really count but
wii sports is kindof a game...
so that makes-12 games instead of 11 games

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I'm too lazy to change the disc games in my Wii so I play whichever game is loaded or any of the Downloaded games. Wii Fit has been in my system for as long as it has been avaliable. Before that it was Mario Kart.

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I just bought Dr. Mario within WiiWare, now I can't get my mother off the Wii! I want to play but sadly I cannot.

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Yeah the last wii game I bought was 2 weeks ago. I know that doesn't seem like a long time but Blazing Angels was on sale.The last good wii game I bought was Wii Fit 1 month ago soo that means I got 14 wii games if you don't includes rental or the ones I traded in. Altought since my Uncle gave me his PS2 since he got his PS3(sinner)I've been hooked on Sly Cooper 2, which by the way get if you got a PS2 buy Sly 2 Cause it's awesome, anyway back on topic Sly 2 is my only PS2 game so I'll be stocking up on old cheap PS2 games and take a break from Wii.

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1,2,and 3- Me and my bros beat in about two weeks
All insane games!

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whoa.......all i have is dbz bd 3 and galaxy.....and im bout to sell galaxy...........but thats mainly because im more of a Rent-er than a buy-er

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I have almost 20 Wii games and over 20 GC games. Mostly because I never trade games in.

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Yelin Yellow-nice!

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What nice choice of games or the awesome avatar Awahl made for me

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hey guys!
What game should i buy next (besides the ones HeroOfHyrule and i have) that you think is a good game.

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