Online Games

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Brimner's picture
Joined: 2007/11/22
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User offline. Last seen 15 years 38 weeks ago.

Hello everyone.
I was just thinking that maybe on the wiiliketopodcast website you guys can have a section that has a list of games that have online capabilities available. Also, under each online game you can have a section that allows people to post their friend codes so that others could play against them.

You guys are doing a great job, I also go to the UofW (4th year nursing) and would like to say thank you and have a great holiday.

Dodo_JZ's picture
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Awesome idea, Im totally for it.
Ben + Arvin, that would be an awesome idea.
You should do it.
Although maybe you can make it available only to members of the site so you dont get complete stranges challenging you.

The Dodo JZ

Cheers :)

phantomphenoix's picture
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User offline. Last seen 14 years 37 weeks ago.

That would sound like a good idea. The problem is I dont have any games that allow internet play on it.