Nyko Perfect Shot.

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dangled039's picture
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My birthday is coming at the end of this month, and because Ben and Arvin gave such a good rating on the Perfect Shot, I asked my sister if she could get that for me. The only thing is, I don't have any shooter games to go with it, so I really have no choice but to buy a game to go with that before my birthday. Or else I will be stuck with a gun and no games to play it with. lol. Which one should I get? and M rated games are OK!


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Sharkboy's picture
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I can only think of a couple. Red Steel is pretty good its a sword and gun game. A lot of sites gave it bad reviews but its a good bar bones shooter. Also Metroid is great has pretty good graphics. And one last one would me Medal of honors 2 its a wwII game but it has online and is fun. If you want to see a review on Red Steel just go to my site


bleu's picture
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Dang, after their review, I really wanted that gun. It looks so cool, and I already wanted it. I just hope more games come out for it.

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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yah me too i would really like that and the wireless nunchuk

Sharkboy's picture
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Yeah You could play The Conduit with it. Even though thats a while off just thought I would let you guys know. LOL

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Off the top of the list Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles and House of the Dead 2&3 are alright shooter games, and House of the Dead is cheep.

Yelinyellow's picture
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What about resident evil 4 wii

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dangled039's picture
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Thanks guys, cheap seems really nice right now, so i might pick house of the dead.

George Orwell once said,
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

We ask for truth all the time, but when that truth threatens to tear apart the fundamental beliefs of your world, can you still accept it?

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thats my mini review of the gun/HoD 2+3 from a few months back

i still play it now, im about to lend HoD to a friend and hes gonna lend me scarface, he raves about scarface so i will let yall know what i think of it, but for 29.99 you cant go wrong with HoD


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I have a very good feeling that The Conduit will have a big release "party". I bet that Best Buy and Future Stop will be giving away free stuff with the game when you buy it. I hope one of those places will decide to give away a Nyko perfect shot with the game, or it's gonna cost 15$ more. The thing looks good, but I don't need it yet. I could buy it to work with Metroid, but I'd rather have The Conduit because I don't play MP3 much anymore.

Cheers :)

Yamalazoo88's picture
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Man do i want that Nyko Perfect shot!!! The only thing is, I dont know what stores sell it!!! If you know please repley telling me!!! Thanks!!!


spiderpig24's picture
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Walmart doesn't but I'm pretty sure that Best Buy and Circuit City do.

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i saw some at k-mart, best buy curcit city and ebay

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Got mine at game stop


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I just bought one and I Kick butt at MoH Heroes 2 with it and Links Crossbow and Wii Play

I'm a disgrace to wii owners... I GOT A PS3!!!!