Now I'm MAD!!!!

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Dodo_JZ's picture
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As many of you know, the game Super Smash Bros. Brawl has been pushed back in America (and that means Canada) to February 10, 2008.
This is a sad day for people planning on getting it for the holidays.

P.S. Sorry if I beat you to the punch Wii Like To Podcast, but I felt everyone should know as I am still shocked from when I saw that horrible notice.

The Dodo JZ

Cheers :)

Arvin's picture
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Hey Dojo, it's all good. We're still going to quickly report on it in the next episode. But I definitely hear you. I was looking forward to giving Ben some Christmas time beatings in SSBB. But sadly we'll just have to wait a little longer.

It's definitely my feeling that the Big N is being a little too lax on making customers happy.

ON the flip side though IGN recently got a copy of the unfinished game and said it is definitely the must have title.

Ben's picture
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Arvin, I am very disappointed with your repeated use of acronyms. This is not an isolated occurrence. Even in everyday speaking you seem to be compelled to forgo language for a jumbled array of letters that you seem to think is supposed to make sense to everyone. Granted in this situation it is probably understandable what you are trying to say, but the fact that you actually think you are going to beat me is a little pathetic.

Also, this is very suckie news and I am glad you went ahead and made the post Dojo. That is what the forum is for.


Ben (I use real words)

Dodo_JZ's picture
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It all good because I am very patient ( yes, I have accepted this lose... after a day of thinking...and wii) and I bet since wii (definite pun intended) have already waited, it shouldn't be a problem since wii dont want friends and family going broke over those new releases anyway. If you go tho the EB Games site, they have a master list of Wii games to be released and I was hoping to sink my teeth into other games so I would finish them before SSBB arrives. :/
P.S. Ben, wuts wrong w/ acronyms, thats wut a forums 4 n i think Arvin's just tryin' 2 fit n.

The Dodo JZ

Cheers :)

Caltus's picture
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Its okay ben, you can fight back with your words since we all know arvin has ur # in SSBB =)


Ben's picture
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Whoa, whoa, WHOA - whoa.
What did I ever do to you people? Why do you automatically, and incorrectly, assume that Arvin is going to beat me?
I'll have you know that I am the reigning champ in tennis and back in the Cube smashbrother days I was often at the top of the leader boards. Also you should see my cream him in strikers.
Sure he destroys me in bowling, but I can't be the best at everything... yet.
Even when we were rocking the Virtua Fighter on the Saturn I could hold my own, (being a non gamer up against a vet).

We will see, my so called friends who, will triumph.

Besides, it is my english background that makes me cringe when I see the overuse of improper language.


Dodo_JZ's picture
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There's a reason my name happens to have dodo in it. Iam not extinct, the last dodo if you will, GC controller is my thing, so a different console won't change a thing, so when SSBB comes out in feb. 10 ); send me your FC and I'll show you how , you can be the best at something but there will always be someone better (if we were playing SSBM, i use the fire emblem guys. Fire emblem games are good (FE radiant dawn on Nov 5, Ben, rent it)and so are the characters) so bring it.

P.S. Yes, I am callin' u out Ben. Fear my double bracketed might.

The Dodo JZ

Cheers :)