No More Heroes

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Ruben's picture
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Has any one played No More Heroes? If you have let me know what you think. If you haven't then you must at least rent it.
This game is one of the best and most unique games of all time.

billeh123's picture
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Arvin's picture
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I still have to try it :( But when I do I'll let you know!

Lord-Devin's picture
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I bought it, and love it. I played GTA, it has the same qualities.. but I think its better. The fighting style is fun, too.

Thats what she said

Ruben's picture
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I just beat it a the real ending is lol funny and cool at the same time.

luis815tx's picture
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I chose i guess the regular ending and i couldn't go back to watch the real ending. :( too bad i guess i have to beat it again on but now on bitter difficulty to get to see it :)----

Arvin since you already tried Medal of Honor this has to take its place in the must play list i think it is so unique it should be your number one in that must play list.

Watch the review from X-play

I also just saw the movie that inspired the game and its just as crazy. EL TOPO

Just because the hud looks like GTA dont expect that. This game is more like if Anakin Skywalker lived in a galaxy not so far away, wanted Padme a little badder, was punk and looked like an anime character.

Too tell you the truth there is really no way to describe the game and every boss is a highlight around the net the game people compare it to the most is Shadow of the Colossus that is a feat itself and is so right on but so way off.

Its so crazy everybody must try it.

Ruben's picture
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Yeah arvin you have to try it.

kentbphat's picture
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Just bought it today. Waiting for kids to fall asleep so I can crack it open.

Can't wait!

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kentbphat's picture
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Ok, I've had about 4 hours of game play (ranked 7th, right now), and this game is exhilirating. Very refreshing and just totally wicked.

Very stylized, fun, and totally un-like any other game I've ever played. The boss battles are epic, and do such a great job of conveying background and character, that you actually have emotional attachment to the battle (and outcome).

Just great stuff so far.

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Josh's picture
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It's probably gonna end up being as bad as Vice City (a weird japenese version)

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gleb's picture
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I've only completed one level (killing assassin #10).
What I liked:
- Action! Lot's of blood gushing.
- Neat graphic art.
- Very different from some other games.
What I did not like:
- You have to go back to the apartment's toilet to save the game. If you are in the middle of a level, you cannot save the game.
- The action does get repetitive.

kentbphat's picture
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You'll find as you progress, that you can save games right before boss battles. They'll have toilets available for you.

I'm ranked 2 right now, but haven't gone back to it yet since Brawl. Need to finally finish it. It's a great game. Love it.

"Tonight I have consumed much more than I can hold."
- Morrissey

phantomphenoix's picture
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This game sounds so cool. I am just wondering if it is just like Assasins creed. I only tryed it once at my friends house but I had a ton of fun with it.

Ruben's picture
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It is the best!!! Brawl is better of course