Just wondering about the (relatively) new Fire Emblem game for the Wii. I have played all the games in the Fire Emblem series (released in U.S.) and they have basically the same gameplay. I know a series can get away with this for a while, but upon hearing that the Wii FE is once again, turn-based strategy RPG, i sort of cringed...
I have heard many different reviews, both good and bad, on this game and what do you guys think?
ive played the prequel and as a stickler for success and never losing a unit, i havent yet beaten the last level. Although i found it to be fun, it seems as tho you may find it repetitive, although i hear the wii integration is much more unique and affords an easier way to navigate menus and battle fields, other than that, i know nothing esle about Radiant Dawn.
The Dodo JZ
Cheers :)