Mario Kart Wii today!!!!!

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duksandfish's picture
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w00p getting mario kart wii after school today, and whn i have it, feel free to ask me a question, and i might make a video explaining it.

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Enjoy, one of the few times you get to hold a release date over our heads =). Id imagine you should have good internet play up until the NA release so enjoy it while you can before the lagfest begins again

im curious to hear more about the Mario Kart chanel, any info on that would be assuming it installs with the game


Scott's picture
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From the 2 hr video preview you are asked in the game setup if you want to add the Channel.

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Ok, the mario kart channel doesnt need to be installed at all, you can use all the features from inside the game.

Also, now i have had the game for 2 hrs, i'll give you a few opinion on conrol types.
GC controlley is By far the best, fell like playing dd but twive as fun.
Wiimone and Nunchuck is next, pretty good, but rumble in one hand does get annoying after a while, and having no rumble is eve worse.
Finally, whell comes last, because although it is fun, you get much less control, and drifting is much harder. Also, I would say that snaking is in, certainly with bikes anyway.... But its not much better than constant wheelies....
Feel free to ask anymore questions, and expect a video review on saturday/sunday.

Cheesy142's picture
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for online play can you play with more than one person on a wii?

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duksandfish's picture
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yep, 2 people can play per console online. Bu that person doesnt have rankings or anything. Its like having a guest on xbox live.

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Not 4?
Can you play any modes other than regular racing online?

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yep, you choose continental, worldwide and friends, then you can choose race or one of the 2 battle modes

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Do you think its worth buying?

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billeh123's picture
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I guess characters dont have special items like they did in Double Dash?

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yes, definatley worth buying, and no, there arent charater specific items

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If you have tried online play, how does the chating work?

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Ok firstly, there is no cheating in online play unless you call spamming wheelies/miniturbos cheating....

I think the cheating you are referring to is on time trials where people upload their ghosts online. Basically, what they did was do 2 laps, then turn round and stop. Then they waited for 99 minutes, and when the timer reached 99:59, it reset to 00:00, allowing them to finish in very fast times. I say all this in the past tense because nintendo have stopped it as you now cannot save a ghost that is longer than six minutes.

Also about the online, it is great and lag free, also, the best thing to do is semi-snake, wheelie and draft, as the pack always stays close together.

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I meant chating, like talking to other people.
But thats very good.

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Oh sorry, but chatting has 2 t's :S

Anyway, i havent played a friend match yet so i wouldnt know.
I am getting my mate ed's code tomorrow though, so i should be able to tell you in about 24hrs

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Oops! Okay

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I playd it at a friends haus im live in g land but I have a NA wii it so cool

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I have to say, two players on one wii is HORRIBLE!!!!
MASSIVE drop in framerate, and noticeable lag.

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Glad your having fun with the game, but until you edit your second post in this thread i don't think you are one to be correcting spelling ;).....not that your correction wasn't right but you get my point...oh and fire fox web browser has a spell checker built in ;)


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i was posting that from my ds.... using handwriting recognition, i'ts amazing it actually came out so good. Also, no word on the friend matches yet as my friend still hasn't added me.

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After playing some more, i'd like to change my opinions on some things.
I have been practicing a lot more with the wheel, and it turns out that when you are good with it, it is as good as the GC controller.
(took about 3 hrs of playing solidly time trials to get good with it).
Also the mega loss of framerate and lag i mentioned on the 2 players online from one wii seemed to be a one off, as i played again and everything seemed fine. Maybe just my bad connection?

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i beg to differ about your control methods and im sure i could beat you with the wii wheel :)

Want to exchange codes tommorow and play?

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Also you can trust my Views i am a seasoned gamer ;)

bleu's picture
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How's the overall Wi-Fi play? What are all the Wi-Fi features? How's the channel? Can you have a Wi-Fi user name?

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The wifi play is great, with no lag, and it is very fun. You can do Vs race, and battle with 12 playes, either worldwide, continental or friends. I havent done a friend match yet but i hope to soon. The channel is good, allowing you do do lots of things like look up records, download ghosts and invite friends via the wii message board. Finally, your wifi username is the name of the mii that you choose when you create your profile. You can have up to 4 profiles by the way.

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OK, thanks. All good, then.

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Here is a video i found of the friend lobby and the sort of messages you can send. It looks like there are 24 pages of messages.
Btw, i'm editing my review now so it should be up in a few hours.

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The review is now up in the user content section, and i am currently uploading a video of the mario kart channel.

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That looks like the most awesomest game ever, besides SSBB.

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I can't see myself liking the wheel. I think my arms would get tired holding it up for more than an hour at most. My fave SSBB controler type is Wiimote/Nunchuck. I will give the wheel a chance, but I think one of the other controler types will be better for me.

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I hope i will like the wheel best, since I already ordered a second one for my friend to play with! lol, maybe I should of taken the time to try it out first before I ordered it.

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