Lol now i'm ready for a challenge.

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Ruben's picture
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So i added everyone on the site to brawl so now I can officialy challenge you!!!

Arvin's picture
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I'm online and can see you! Let's brawl! :D

Ruben's picture
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I can't join you online because it said waiting for registration.
Do you know what's going on Arvin?

dangled039's picture
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i have also just added everybody, and the all say waiting for registration or something like that. now what do i do?

George Orwell once said,
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

We ask for truth all the time, but when that truth threatens to tear apart the fundamental beliefs of your world, can you still accept it?

Dodo_JZ's picture
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From now on, let's try and constrict challenges to one topic, or add a new forum section Arvin >_>. I'm still waiting on that challenge Ben, anytime Easter Sunday or Monday, because I want to give out an example (and Ruben already took Arvin) of why one should fear me.

Stock Battle: 3 lives, Smash Balls enabled on Low only. That way we can replay it, the average stock battle with 3 lifes takes about 2:30 minutes so ya :P.

Cheers :)

Ruben's picture
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Hey I will show you real fear lol.

Dodo_JZ's picture
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I ain't scared of you, bring it!!!!! I gots me Lucario, Marth and Link to back me up :P.

Cheers :)

Ruben's picture
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Pika power 0:

Mjr. Shigg
Mjr. Shigg's picture
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is anyone actually going to fight or just talk a lot?

I am smiling...

Ruben's picture
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Well Next time your gonna play brawl send me a wii message.

Luigi's picture
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wehn i get it please add my code

Dodo_JZ's picture
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Hey, trash talking is half the fight :P

Cheers :)

Mjr. Shigg
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yeah you're right...

Half the fight is talking
Half the fight is skill
Half the fight is luck

Add them together and you get Brawl!

I am smiling...

beyondmany's picture
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Wait...I thought knowing was half the battle?

Ruben's picture
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Wait 3 halfs dont make a whole!

Dodo_JZ's picture
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They make some crazy kick@$$ fraction of which is the basis for SSBB fights XD.

and btw, Ben reply man, I want to take you to the park and leave you there, then when you find a way home, I'll take you in a brawl match.

Cheers :)

phantomphenoix's picture
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I agree

Ruben's picture
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I gotta say.....Ben might be scared lol

phantomphenoix's picture
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I am scared already. Save me