Lego Indiana Jones and Lego Harry Potter have both been confirmed to be in production. They have not been "officially" confirmed, only confirmed by Travelor's tales animator Charlotter Parker, who claims to be working on the title. Here is what she had to say:
"Am currently working as a Cutscene Animator on LEGO Harry Potter & LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull which are both in the early stages of production"
In a later contact with Charlotte about the games, she said that:
"That’s right. But they’re not confirmed. I can’t really talk about them."
Though they are in production, they may still pull the plug on the games, so don't get your hopes up just yet. Hopefully an "official" announcement will come soon.
now harry potter literally is a square!
*hi fives myself since in home alone*
"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"