Is MX vs. ATV a good game?

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Lostman1027's picture
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I was just wondering if it is a buy or not. I'm definitely going to get Brawl when that comes, but until then, I need a nice long game to play through.

phantomphenoix's picture
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The games I would mention would be.
1. Super Mario Galixy
2. Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
3.Heatseeker (if you like flight simulators)
If I think of some more then I will mention it.

Mjr. Shigg
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ummm...for the love of everything nintendo, please get galaxy if you like a weird platformer-ish kind of game or get zelda if you love adventure
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phantomphenoix's picture
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I almost frogot. Metroid Prime 3 it is a good game. I dont know about you but I certainly liked it.

Dodo_JZ's picture
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finally opened soul calibur legends, its a good RPG/Fighting style game, face pace and very fun, it supports MP but not online, multiplayer coop, competition and versus, only downside is the lack of characters 7. There may be more cuz i havent actually played MP, but single player is fun and MP sounds fun too
in case anyone doesnt know, MP = multiplayer.

(insert text here)

Cheers :)

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i heard it was not all that good, i liked the commercial lol, umm zelda, brawl and double agent are must buys

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Shifty350's picture
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This is from January, I think his question got answered!

I was RevosBro.

Steve's picture
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how do you know? lol

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Lostman1027's picture
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Yeah, dude, It already got answered. So I'm going to delete it.