How do you Like Wii Fit?

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Alanna's picture
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So, a certain awesome friend of mine (*coughs* Ben) picked me up the Wii Fit, since I had to work today (incase it was sold out before I ended work). I have thus far tried a little of everything, totaling more than 30 minutes, just to test drive it out, so to speak.

My initial thoughts are that it's pretty cool. I don't much care for what you get to start with aerobics, as I don't like the running simulation too much, but the hula hoop is kind of fun, and the step is neat (though when the camera angle changes when you're trying to watch the Mii's feet, it makes it hard to follow along if you're solely using them as an example). I really enjoy the yoga, and I'm thinking about doing that every morning when I get up, to stretch out properly (since I usually forget to). You have to bank points (each minute you use it, gets banked) in order to get new sessions opened up in all the areas (Yoga, Strength, Balance, Aerobics). I plan on coming up with a full review after I've used it for awhile, hopefully with Arvin and Ben.

Anyways, so far, pretty neat! We'll see how it stands the daily test, and as compared to a real personal trainer (I have one, I am not one).

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bleu's picture
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Yeah, I was wondering if it was gonna get boring over time. I still find myself wanting it, though.

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Whoops, double post! :S

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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i tried to get my mom to buy it for me (since im getting rock band) and when she went to target today they didn't have any
so i'm gonna see if toys r us has ne online

Alanna's picture
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So far, I'm definetly going with a must have, if you're able to afford it. The balance board will be a great investment alone, for future games that will use it.

A good to know, is that the Wii Board takes four AA batteries. It'd be a good idea to get a battery charger and batteries, if you don't already have one, I imagine.

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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ya i really want it even though i'm telling everyone i don't want so my parents will buy it (i'll play it though)

Lostman1027's picture
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I want it, but I still need to get MK Wii. At least I see that you think its good. At first I thought it was more like an 80 dollar scale.

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So far so good, except I am overweight. Seriously. That is not cool. Other than that it is exciting to have something like this that might make working out more interesting. The exercises don't seem too difficult at first, but after spending some time they really feel like the are working.
It is more like a game than I expected. Lots to unlock and lots to do. One part I really enjoy is being able to set up goals and track your progress. So far, good buy. There really better be more games that use the board in the future though.
Also, I;m not sure about outside of Canada, but you can buy a huge pack of AA batteries at Wal-mart for an incredible deal. Good, long lasting ones too. I hate to tell people to go to Wal-mart, but the deal is too good to pass up.

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Wow, thats great that everyone thinks that it is a good buy. I will be sure to get it as soon as I get to the store.

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Scott's picture
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I cannot wait to pick up my pre-order from Toys R Us this afternoon. I was out of town on Wednesday so I had to wait. I am glad I preordered.

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dont know since i live in europa i order off amazon join kfc

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Alright, on the battery issue, it looks like Nyko once again thought of something.

I'm going to look into it, the next time I'm at a store and they have it there, to see if it's worth it.

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Scott's picture
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I feel the workout takes too long. For example I've played 2 days in a row for a total of 90 mins/day (actual time) and only have 30 mins of Banked time per day (60 total). So for the 60 minutes of work I wasted 2 additonal hours of my time.

I wish there was a workout program I could select and it would automatically take me from one exercise to another without all the message boxes, warnings and stuff you must click A to get past.

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I completely agree with you. It's understandable given the nature of the device that they have to show warnings and stuff. But you do spend just as much time in other screens then you do with the actual workout.

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It is just really sad we live in such a litigious world where Video games must be plastered with these constant warnings. I originally planned to use WiiFit to start dropping some pounds because I was just too lazy and did not want to give up and hour of my day to go down the street to the gym.

Now I just might abandon WiiFit and go to the gym for an hour and get close to a 45 minute work out instead of spending 90 minutes on WiiFit for a 30 minute workout. Please do not get me wrong, it is a cool device and game, but I will give it 2 weeks then make my decision if I should just go to the gym (which would not be a bad idea anyway) and just use WiiFit for the fun games.

However, I hope a 3rd party will come along with a better workout program that actually sets a daily workout program where you click start and it takes you from one exercise to the next in a logical combination each day.

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I love WiiFit. I bought it for $4 preordered (with all the trade ins I did at gamestop). I agree with the comments about the constant "start-stop" with the menus. This brings up a good point: will Nintendo offer "patches" to games? Imagine using 20-30 blocks on your Wii to fix this annoying starting and stopping--allowing me to get a full workout.

I also agree that it is annoying that the camera changes when doing the step aerobics.

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Great posts, i apreciate everyones input, after hearing what scott and arvin had to say about "Wasted time" i think i will hold off on this until we see more third party games. wii ski looks cool but i dont think it warrants a 80 dollar purchase ontop of the price of the game. i think i will stick with the gym membership i have, i dont need my wii calling me fat now anyways, i have a mirror and a little voice inside my head that takes care of that =)


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ill save that 80 bucks on boom blox, gh: aerosmith, or gh: on tour for ds. or maybe ill find a way to ship a huge freakin box to africa with gh: world tour inside. hooray for drum kits!!

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i really want wii fit, but i can never find it besdies buyign it on amazon for like $100

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bleu's picture
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yeah it still looks fun and they are gonna have ShaunWhite snowboarding using that and that looks fun. (ps whoa you resurrected like 10 old threads lol)

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ya it is annoying lol
im gonna get it for christmas from my parents but i'm not suppose to tell anyone that oops

neder's picture
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boom blox isn't $80

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

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bleu's picture
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lol no he was saying that he had 80 bucks and wanted to buy something and those were his 3 top picks. ps nice picture

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oh ok and thanks

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

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resurrecting old threads isn't annoying im simply reading the threads i missed before i joined and leaving my comment

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donavoncavender's picture
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I do not have one yet but I am planning on getting one. I do not care for going to a gym to workout, plus I am busy. I might be getting one for Christmas.

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i was one of thsoe weridos who wait outside ebst buy fpr 4 hours in the early mornign and i got mine a few weeks ago, it's very cool, worth the money all the way

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neder's picture
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what's ebst and what does fpr mean

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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