House of the Dead 2 and 3

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kentbphat's picture
Joined: 2008/02/25
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Has anyone played this?

I saw that Circuit City is offering it for 19 bones this week and was thinking about picking it up.

I'm not a super lightgun fan or anything (although I think they can be pretty damn fun, and I do have the zapper) but was wondering if anyone thought it was a steal at 19 bucks.

That be all.

Any advice is well appreciated!


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- Morrissey

ralph's picture
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yes that is a good deal

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Scott's picture
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I played the Wii game and it is worth $20. The gameplay is smooth and it is nice to have a mindless game that you do not really have to worry about completing. It is just fun to pop in and shoot stuff for a few minutes until my eyes get sore.

Caltus's picture
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i made a post a few weeks back about my initial reactions of the game, after i had played for 30 mins or so, im too lazy to go look for the link but it should be under games. any way well worth 20 bucks, i payd the 29.99 so im goign to say its worth more then 20 bucks ;). I picked this game up because i had purchased the Nyko Perfect shot and needed a game. i have not used the zapper, its not my kind of light gun but with the perfect shot it feels just like the arcade only alot less painful on the wallet once uve playd 30 or so times its practicly payd for itself.


oh and the voice acting is as bad as ever =)

Scott's picture
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I played the game without any zapper or gun accessory and it was still fun. I plan to pick this game up if my CC has it in stock.