Guitar Hero World Tour Keyboard?

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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Okay, so today i was looking through gh tunes and when previewing the song, it shows all the instruments compatible and how many notes there are for that...

i saw:

Keyboard: 900 some notes

can you guys tell me anything about this?

is there another instrument or something?

neder's picture
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you play the keyboard with the guitar.

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blizzard has won

thanks for listening
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BRAWLER9612's picture
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No, you cannot actually play the keyboard in the song you created. However, you can have it as a background that isn't played by an actual person. Future Peripheral though?

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General B4
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I thought it was that the singer hums or sings the tune the keyboard plays. (I know the guitar doesn't play the keyboard), and I doubt there'll be a peripheral, because there aren't enough songs with a good keyboard in it, or one that's noticable.

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