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Caltus's picture
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So some news came out today on some 360 websites that got me all excited, talk of a new ghostbusters game coming out in 2008. Okay..Okay i know what you are thinking, but this doesnt sound like ur run of the mill movie game. All the actors seem to be on board to resurrect their characters rolls and this is suppose to be a direct sequel to the movies although i have not heard confirmation of a movie coming out to go along with it, which is probably a good thing from a gamers stand point. Also i read that Dan Akroyd is assisting in the writing of the script for the game another plus. This game is being created by Sierra.

Okay so i came across this tidbit this morning and of coarse i wouldnt post 360 news on these forums and i just read on Wii's World that this game is also coming out for the wii by publisher Vivendi. I assume this is the same game and that Sierra is responsible for making the game and Vivendi publishes said game, but both names were not mentioned together so i cant not confirm this.

Any way get ready to bust some ghosts =)


Oh yea i did hear months back of another GB movie but this is the only news i have heard of anything GB related since so im guessing the movie rumor turned into a Game

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too clarify..GB = Ghost Busters, i know we had a thread where ben got a bit confused over the abbreviations, so i just wanted to clarify my use of terms ;)


Just came across this, the website has gone live, theres a trailer on there for the game

phantomphenoix's picture
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well I wouldent say I would buy it but it is cool though.

Dodo_JZ's picture
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Im confused on how they will incorporate the wii movement but someone i know was talking about that a few days ago. maybe ill rent it. by the way, thats not much of a trailer. The screen shots are cool. i wonder if u can wander the city. I hope its not as glitchy as spiderman 3. It looks very similar graphics wise anyway.

The Dodo JZ

Cheers :)

Caltus's picture
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Yea i suppose it was more of a "teaser" then a trailer

red steel24
red steel24's picture
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i just heard a bout gost busters today when i heard the podcast
but it looks like a good game.

If its anything like the movies itl be an awsome game

red steel24 "go wii like to podcast"

Napoleon's picture
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there is going to be a ghostbusters game!

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in another 8 months there will be so dont get too excited yet, re route your excitement to SSBB lol.

Cheers :)

Greenbamboo's picture
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i might get it because of the 4 player story line co-op. Me and my bro and my cousin (who lives 3 doors down for my house) could all play together instead of taking turns.

What's the deal with the lack of Super Smash 64 on the wii shop channel. No, instead we get stuff like SnowBoard 180!

Ruben's picture
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It'll be a rent for me.

phantomphenoix's picture
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same with me I would rent it first

PizzaLover101's picture
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I remember phantompheanix, where did he go?

If I'm not here, I'm probably quietly crying in my room, mourning the loss of the greatest wii podcast ever, along with the death of such a friendly community.

samus256's picture
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lol when I was looking for roms for the gba emulator on the homebrew channel I came across one game that was called "extreme ghostbusters"...... lol

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brawler9686's picture
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What are you talking about? (Samus)

And ghostbusters is a pretty good game on the ps3 I have it and the multiplayer is also fun.

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use and put them on an sd card

If I'm not here, I'm probably quietly crying in my room, mourning the loss of the greatest wii podcast ever, along with the death of such a friendly community.