Free Wii Nyko Perfect Shot

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clau's picture
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For the ones that will like a free Nyko Perfect Shot should visit this site called it's a win free site and they are giving away a Nyko perfect shot that we all know that it's perfect for all wii games :)

Spiderpig2744's picture
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I scanned it and I found a couple of viruses in that site.

Steve's picture
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thanks, even if it was real, who cares, i got one a year ago and never opened it

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brawler9686's picture
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Yeh I don't believe getting stuff for free. But I do have a nyko perfect shot and they work great if you are playing World at War.

Spiderpig2744's picture
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Its not a matter of believing.

PizzaLover101's picture
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one post?

If I'm not here, I'm probably quietly crying in my room, mourning the loss of the greatest wii podcast ever, along with the death of such a friendly community.

Spiderpig2744's picture
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Thank you mr.obvious for pointing that out