Cheat codes

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Josh's picture
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I think that the site should get a cheat code section for any of the cheat codes that would be user submitted. Post your feedback.

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Cheesy142's picture
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Good idea.

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Caltus's picture
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Been usign these 2 sites for years, mainly anything you need to know to help you through - Cheat Codes - Walkthroughs and Guides

all free and no signups


Greenbamboo's picture
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ya caltus has a point, its really just extra work for everyone to do that.
Its a nice idea, but there are so many sites that have been building their cheat code data base for years and would be much better anyway. Just go there

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Luigi's picture
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you stoll my idea plus arvin sead thers no time riht now

Napoleon's picture
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ign is awsome! they don't have as good as podcast as you but they have good cheat codes and walkthroughs and is awsome too!

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Dodo_JZ's picture
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Haha, cheat codes are for cheaters, I use walkthroughs, usually I check IGN or on the occasion search through google.

Cheers :)

duksandfish's picture
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Dont use Ign, use Gamefaqs

Dodo_JZ's picture
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For cheats, IGN is user submitted content, which usually means it doesn't always work. I don't really search for cheat codes, and when I do, I search google and multiple sites for consistence, that previous post of mine was....supposed to be sarcasm, and I couldn't remember the name of the site which you mentioned, gamefaqs (thanks) which I use for walkthroughs =)

Cheers :)

phantomphenoix's picture
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I think we should have a section dedicated to cheat codes, walkthroughs, and even extra stuff in the games.

Napoleon's picture
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ccc has good stiff but ign covers everything

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Dude129's picture
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The only cheat website I use:

and its awesome.

Hey check out my awesome website at

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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I personally can't stand IGN and try to boycott them as much a possible. The site can be informative, but every single pages is about 80 percent advertisements. Theres and ad in the top bar. one in the left bar. one in the right one. one down there at the bottom. and one smack dab in the middle of the freakin text youre trying to read. add the commercials before every video and youve got one crappy website

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BRAWLER9612's picture
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Well said HeroOfHyrule
just use its by far the best

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ambient's picture
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I have been to cheat sites, and I found the link, to be very helpful:)

phantomphenoix's picture
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Well I use gamefaq to get walkthrough's and a few cheat codes, but mainly I just use it for the walkthrough's.

spiderpig24's picture
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User offline. Last seen 14 years 17 weeks ago. is a pretty good site for Wii cheats.

Nintendo13's picture
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I use

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or i google it and i feel lucky

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Spiderpig2744's picture
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thats a really good idea but you can find cheat codes almost anywhere just put it in google

phantomphenoix's picture
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Yhea, but I see one loophole with searching for cheat codes in google. Some of the cheats might be fake or just made up. That is why I don't use google to search for cheats before.

PizzaLover101's picture
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cheat code central

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Spiderpig2744's picture
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true but just click one of those big sites like gamespot or ign or CCC

Charlie Jones
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Great! I use both of the ff sites for my games, and

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It is a nice thread to get cheat code. I heard that. Cheat database is now available in IT market. I have a cheat database get from my friend but some of them doesn't work. So i want to get a latest cheat code database. so please share me link of site from where i could download cheat database book.