Bret Michaels cheat on Guitar Hero III

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mustbeburt's picture
Joined: 2008/01/25
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hey all-

i stumbled upon a cheat to get bret michaels to appear on guitar hero iii. has anyone tried this? if so, i had a couple questions:

1. does he only appear for his 2 songs on the game or does he replace the default lead singer guy for all songs?

2. is this a permanent state after you enter the code or is it only for the session you're playing when you enter the code? how does that work?


Dodo_JZ's picture
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Burt: The Bret Michaels cheat only works on the Xbox 360 and PS3, it does not work on the Wii. My understanding of the cheat is that, you can turn it on or off from the cheat menu, and it does work on all songs.
Wii doesn't have the Bret Michaels cheat, instead it has the big gems cheat, that makes all gems (the notes as the appear) extremely large.

Sorry if that bursts your bubble :3.

Cheers :)