Brawl Tiers?

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Poppa Trizzle
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I just wanted to get your opinion on Tier Lists in Brawl.
Who's on the top and Who's on the bottom?
After playing the game I'm not sure exactly if there can be a Tier list cus it seems like all the characters are pretty evenly matched (cept Ganon of course, cus he's a balla...jk).
I even checked online to see if there's a Tier List for Brawl yet.
Since there isn't one online, I wanted to see if I could get y'all's (word usage?)opinion on character rankings in Brawl.
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FrostyWampa's picture
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All the characters are very balanced this time around. IMO the best are Toon Link, Meta Knight, and Marth. The worst are probably Gannondorf and Jigglypuff, which is a shame cause I was really good as both of them in Melee....

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I agree the charaters are balanced and the tiers are determined by your individual playing style.

Lostman1027's picture
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Ah, I see a Lucario fan. I can kick ass with Lucario, but I'm focusung on Ike now. My top 3 in order: Ike, Lucario, Bowser (I like his suicide move...Side B off edge).

Greenbamboo's picture
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i cant personaly use him very well, but wolf is the best

What's the deal with the lack of Super Smash 64 on the wii shop channel. No, instead we get stuff like SnowBoard 180!

Cheesy142's picture
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I also think Wolf is the best.
Bowsers suicide move is awesome, thats almost all I use when Im Bowser.

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heres my list
2.Wolf and Ike (equal ability)
3.Meta night and Link (equal ability)

Squirtle's best move is B-Down

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toon link
meta knight

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(caps lock on oops)

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Lostman1027's picture
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Wiilikepi, basically a list to show class (or rank) in order. In this case we are looking for the best battler.

P.S. I somebody else uses bowsers suicide move on me, i know a way of flipping you over and making you die first!

bleu's picture
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Uh, I think that Fox and Sonic have good C-stick moves,(the yellow thing on gamecube controller. I think it is the "smash moves" or something.) Also, Ganondorf's C-stick(smash moves?) moves probably do the most damage in one hit. It depends on what moves you use, when, and how many times. Bowser has good moves for Multi-Man, and he has good B-moves (Gamecube controller), but he is too slow for me. I prefer sonic for speed, and Fox over all.

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Bowser is to slow for me and Lucario is OK. ike is just right for me.

P.S.What the....

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About a minute before you posted that, this is what it said:

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4 ralphs!!!?!?!?!?! This is not the first time I've seen that.

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I like sonic he is awesome
espicially his final smash *supersonic*

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The C-Stick's moves are smash moves, but you can also just Flick the "joy" stick hard in a direction to use those. Andy ou can charge up by holding A at the same time.

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