Brawl Friend Codes

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Radioactive_wii's picture
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Hey Guys, because of the anonymous online brawlling is down. Why share friend codes! Here's mine: 3179-5776-1416 MAKE SURE to tell me that your adding mine so i can add yours.

Game Systems: Wii, Nintendo DS Lite (Onix)
Favorite Wii Games: Super Mario Galaxy, Guitar Hero 3, SSBB
Favorite DS Games: LOZ: PH, Planet Puzzle League, Mario Kart DS

Cheesy142's picture
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The anonymous online brawlling is down?
No wonder.

I represent the Lollipop Guild!

^^^Be my friend^^^

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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The anonymous brawling kinda sucks though, only 2 minute brawls and no names or communication of any kind, even taunts.

Proud defeater of Mega Man 9

wiilikepi's picture
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Why not put ur code in the code section

"I see," Said the blind man.
"you're lying," said the deaf man.

Mjr. Shigg
Mjr. Shigg's picture
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uhhh...yeah...lets do that

I am smiling...

Dodo_JZ's picture
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I've added everyone that put up their FC on WLTP, that includes you Radioactive_wii, so add me back, as well as everyone else.

Cheers :)

phantomphenoix's picture
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I will try to add my friend code as soon as I can