Big Bang Mini/ Other questions

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brawler9686's picture
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I was wondering if any of you have big bang mini? I heard that game was really good but I want a suggestion from you guys because latly I'm not using my DS and I want to start buying games for it. The second question is if you guys know any good DS games? TY


dangled039's picture
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I have never heard of big bang mini. but i'm sure if you go to you could get a few gameplay videos and check it out.

My favorite DS games are Grand Theft Auto:Chinatown Wars, Zelda...(I cant remember of the full title), Professor Layton and the Curious Village (only if you like puzzlers though), and...Scribblenauts and Zelda:Spirit Tracks are coming out sometime for the DS which should be good. I have heard that games like Chrono Trigger and The World Ends With You are good for RPG's, but I havn't played them yet. hope that helped.

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spiderpig24's picture
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I haven't played Big Bang Mini, but I've heard it's a pretty good game.

My favorite DS games are New Super Mario Bros., Mario Kart, Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Metal Slug 7, Metroid Prime Hunters, Super Mario 64 DS, and Scribblenauts when it comes out.

Here is Ign's top 25 DS games:

Steve's picture
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lol spdierpig is psychic, he knows he'll love scirbblenauts

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brawler9686's picture
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spiderpig24 wrote:
I haven't played Big Bang Mini, but I've heard it's a pretty good game.

My favorite DS games are New Super Mario Bros., Mario Kart, Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Metal Slug 7, Metroid Prime Hunters, Super Mario 64 DS, and Scribblenauts when it comes out.

Here is Ign's top 25 DS games:
