Animal Crossing: City Folk

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Treldman's picture
Joined: 2009/01/27
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User offline. Last seen 15 years 51 weeks ago.

I just recently bought this game for 54 USD (a little pricey). I LOVE it. It's such a good game. The game is a bit boring at the beginning, with the working for Tom Nook, but after that you are free. And you should remember to pay the mortgage... Other than that, the game controls take about 5-10 minutes to get used to, and there are some screw-ups with it, but great controls. The graphics are really cool, and you can go to the city, as the game name implies, to get a make-over. In this make-over, you can actually put a face of one of your Miis on your character, and that renders you impervious to bee stings.(if you shake the trees, 3 things can come out: 100 bells [the currency of this game], furniture [odd...] or a bee's nest; of course, nothing can come out, also) The Mii's head will look a little boxy, but still pretty close.

All in all, i give this a 9.5/10. A really good game that is absolutely worth the money.

And a little tip on fishing: don't pull up right when the fish touches the bobber. Wait until it is pulled underwater, then pull up.

Steve's picture
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User offline. Last seen 14 years 27 weeks ago.

i love this game, also if you send some neighbors some furniture they will send you some back

(i needed an orange and i would have all teh fruit trees, so i sent merry the cat a old clock casue she is my faovirte neighbor (i was acutally sad when she moved) and she sent me an orange! lol)

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"