WLTP episode #19

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mustbeburt's picture
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thought this might be a good thread to discuss episode 19.

hey, great episode. thanks for touching on the wii menu update 3.2. i've been wondering if any games have had updates yet and it looks like the answer is 'NO' or else you guys would've mentioned it. thanks again for all the news! keep up the great work.

duksandfish's picture
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About Mario kart wii, ive heard somewhere that 2 players on 1 console for wi-fi has been confirmed, but I don't know where. I'll post the link if i remember

mustbeburt's picture
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has pay-to-play been mentioned for mario kart wii? or is it safe to assume that it will be free?

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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come on mario kart!!
i dont mind pay to play, honestly, if they beef up the online system. I would gladly pay 5 bucks a month to get inline support like the 360 has.

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Dodo_JZ's picture
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I'm pretty sure it's free, especially since they haven't done any announcements yet they already have a release date, and the text chat thing is there which I doubt would be worth paying to play.

Cheers :)

duksandfish's picture
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I still think vioce chat shoud be in because the wii virtually already has a headset: the ds, it connects wirelessly and has a mic.

Also doues anyone know what has happened to the user Mjr. Shigg? He hasnt posted for a while now.

Josh's picture
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Pre-made messages my buttocks! That's exactly what pissed me off with EA Nation. Why don't they just put a profanity blocker in the chat. Or they could just have some sort of "vote-mute" or something. But fo realz. that is dum.

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Greenbamboo's picture
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whoa the ds connects to the wii wirelessly????
Hook me up with the how to!

What's the deal with the lack of Super Smash 64 on the wii shop channel. No, instead we get stuff like SnowBoard 180!

duksandfish's picture
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well, it only connects for games like pokemon battle revolution where you can transfer pokemon from pokemon diamond and pearl. Also in japan with the "Everybody's nintendo channel" you can dowload demos for your ds.

Caltus's picture
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also if you have Geometry wars for both consoles when you connect the DS you get some sort of bonus


Demmer's picture
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Is anyone else having problems downloading the podcast off itunes? Itunes wont let me, and i cant view the episode online(because i cant connect to this website without using a proxy for some reason, and its being weird and not letting me play the video.)

mustbeburt's picture
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no, itunes has been fine for me.

phantomphenoix's picture
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ITunes has been great for me. It was just my computer was acting up and not letting me download it when the episode came out.

Cheesy142's picture
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I saw in (I think) a "popular science" magazine that the wiimotes already have mics in them!

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My wiimote never answers me. All it does is taunt and swear at me, it even tells me to kill my family. I think I'm going to get a new wiimote.

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I think they put them in the wiimotes for future games.

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phantomphenoix's picture
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There was an artical in Popular science about the wiimote. But it only showed how it works and what is inside it. There are no mic's inside them. I actually had that particular magizine. I am not sure if I have it anymore, but I knew I had it.

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Ya, I had that popular science magazine too.
Look at this site:

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there are no mics inside of them, but there is a sound processor chip thingy. You would need a separate mic attachment, but the thing could process sound input from an external source.

I think...

What's the deal with the lack of Super Smash 64 on the wii shop channel. No, instead we get stuff like SnowBoard 180!

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Well I never knew that.