Well this sounds like a job for skype. This is a progrm that some of you may heard of I think. For the other people who dont know what it is. It is a program that does video and IM chat over the internet (this is free if the other person you are trying to contact has skype also). It also can call people who have cellphones or even have a regular phone (this part requires money). When you are doing video chat or just IMing you can play games with that person or people. That is the explanation about skype. Now webcamras can come price up to at least $60 or more and to as low as $20. Remember the higher the price the better the web camera. Now for recording the screen. Insteed of just putting the camra infront of the screen use the program called Camtasia Studio. personally dont know what other screen recording programs there are out there, but this is the one I know. This will cost about $300.00 +tax to get it. I know it is a little pricy, but it is worth it.
P.s Texas is a great state, and as they always say "things are always bigger in Texas"
yeah yeah yeah thats just an opinion. Texas being a great state, though, is a well known fact.
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