when o when

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moneyr's picture
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when is the new show come out

neder's picture
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hopefully monday

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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Ben's picture
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Arvin is working on it. Until he posts an approximate time of release we can't really speculate. With the amount of work he has put into the site and how much work takes up his time the only thing I can say is please be patient. We might have a little surprise in the next one. But maybe not.

Ooohhh. Mysterious.

moneyr's picture
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thanks i at lease no that its coming out this week

bleu's picture
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maybe. or maybe not. arvin said a long time back that the date of release will always vary, sometimes even after he posted a guess. so, like ben said, be patient and it will come. while you wait, you should find some good user content, cause its lacking a bit right now...

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lol it's been so logn without contact from ben or arvin

i though sony got to canada *phew*

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Alucard Hellsing
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i hate to say it steve but that was the six hundreth and sixdy sixth post on this part of the forums (DEVIL CHILD ^^)

And that's my two cents

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muhahahahahhahahahahahahahahaah back on topic..hopefully soon

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"