Online playing

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ktsharky's picture
Joined: 2007/05/25
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User offline. Last seen 17 years 25 weeks ago.

you should have a section one episode on online game play. Mentioning all the different codes(mii Codes , Game Codes blah blah blah) needed and how they work and games that are going to be realeased that will have online gaming

Awesome podcasts

wii games owned:wii sports
wario ware
Call of Duty 3
Cooking Mama
Pirates of THe carribean; At worlds end

Jack F
Jack F's picture
Joined: 2007/11/19
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Yeah! They should call it Wii Want To Play Online!


phantomphenoix's picture
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I think it should be called Wii play online. sorry to shoot down your idea.

Dodo_JZ's picture
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this site needs to be more user integrated cuz ive noticed that we all want to have new segments and add-ons and i think what they have is nice. if we really want to do this we should be able to post our own video reviews and other segment videos but i think that we might be overwhelming Arvin and Ben with all of our ideas.

The Dodo JZ

Cheers :)