new show idea

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moneyr's picture
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i though of this idea when arvin an ben pick a fan of choice to make a two min. video talking about the wii news in that region or country and it would be called wii around the world. you have seen this idea on news shows when they go to the weather man in the bad weather. like we don't believe them

SuperSonicPwns's picture
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uhhh sure

moneyr's picture
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thanks again sonic ps: love the new pic

SuperSonicPwns's picture
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what new pic? i didnt upload a new pic

Trombone_Hero's picture
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Interesting... I don't know though, gaming usually doesn't have too much diferences around the world except for some things, so it might work, it just wouldn't be aplemented all the time.

And welcome to the forums if someone hasn't said that yet! I think you're our first new member of '09!!! =D

moneyr's picture
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thanks for feed back ps: im not new just forgot password thanks anyway

Steve's picture
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sonic, moneyr wasn't a member back before you change away from your guitar hero one so it's new to him

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

moneyr's picture
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no i was here on the old site

Steve's picture
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i know but super chnaged his guitat hero logo a good month or 2 ago

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

TrAnMu's picture
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Sounds like a pretty good idea. I would do something like that.

Hai Gaiz!!!!

moneyr's picture
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sonic just said on the forum poll that they should use skype or send a video

Camper's picture
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lawl it would be interesting but i wonder how much time it would take to set it all up

moneyr's picture
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dont think it would take long all u need is a web cam and a tip cam or gamer cam for your computer