new item review in the next episodes.

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phantomphenoix's picture
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I think there should be a itum review for the wiimote jacket. I have them so I would gladly give a review if I had to.

Caltus's picture
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are they nice? i never ordered em, A) they seem kind of bulky and ive honestly never had a problem with dropping or launching them across the room, and B) i didn't want to take the jacket off every time i had to charge em in the Nyko Charger

phantomphenoix's picture
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I would say the same thing.

Dodo_JZ's picture
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as long as we are talking about the ones you order from nintendo i got store boughts and the nintendo ones. The nintendo ones are much better in comparisonand are actually pretty cool, i just got mine and they are like soft silicon or rubber and it slips on and off pretty easily, it fits into your hand pretty easily and although bulky, they are comfortable. But if you dont have a nyko charger and think using these remote jackets(the ones from nintendo) use rechargeable batteries; they last long and you can get them out and in easily because the jacket isnt too tight on the wiimote.

The Dodo JZ

Cheers :)

phantomphenoix's picture
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User offline. Last seen 14 years 37 weeks ago.

That is what I do. I dont have the Nyko charger. I have rechargeabe battries for the wiimotes so if one battrie gets low then I dont have to waste more money on more disposible battries.