Material for bashing the PS3 in upcoming episodes

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beyondmany's picture
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Hi Ben and Arvin,
Here is an idea on what to bash in the next bash the PS3 segment:

Major security vulnerability discovered for PlayStation Network, lock up your PS3s

Arvin's picture
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*LOL* Awesome! That's so perfect :D

Thanks for the heads up!

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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Oh Arvin you gotta throw that picture of the PS3 up there. Priceless. Good find, man!

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phantomphenoix's picture
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Buying a PS3: $400
Buying other gaming acessories: $100
Getting games: $50
Noticeing and fixing a Vunrablility on PS3: $3,000
Buying a Wii: Priceless

If you havent watched the Master Card Commirtials then you will probably get the joke.

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Apparently, it's been fixed.

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Greenbamboo's picture
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ya, sorry arvin, but i dont think that this network flaw is fair game, because they fixed it before you could bash them with it.

What's the deal with the lack of Super Smash 64 on the wii shop channel. No, instead we get stuff like SnowBoard 180!

PizzaLover101's picture
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one thing i want to point out is that i own a PS3. It has good graphics, ok gameplay and horrible network connection

GO WII!!!!!!!!!

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neder's picture
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yes go wii go. i want a ps3 only for a few pretty pretty games

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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Spiderpig2744's picture
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Another idea for bashing the PS3 is becuz it has hardly any good exclusives.

samus256's picture
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Well maybe if you did some reserch you would know that that's not true at all, at least not in a few months. this year 360 has hardly any exlusive games, and ps3 has a whole load. And no they don't suck.

oh yeah and games like gears of war don't count as exlusive because there on pc.

And no i'm not a ps3 fanboy i'm just presenting the facts.

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Luigi_2744 wrote:
Another idea for bashing the PS3 is becuz it has hardly any good exclusives.

u r so rong.

resistance 1 and 2
motr strm
motr strm pacific rift
calling all cars
kill zone 2
ratchet and clank futr tools of destruction
ratchet and clank futr quest for booty

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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brawler9686's picture
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The only reason the Xbox has more sales is because half of those people had to buy 2 or more consoles!!!! The PS3 is way more ahead and they acually care about there costomers more than making more sales!!!

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brawler9686 wrote:
The only reason the Xbox has more sales is because half of those people had to buy 2 or more consoles!!!! The PS3 is way more ahead and they acually care about there costomers more than making more sales!!!

thats actually not true

most people that needed to get a new one didn't buy they used the warrenty to get another one
and the ps3 doesn't have sales is because it is so expensive for just a better ps2

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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samus256's picture
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You know, there a really good reason for the ps3 being kinda costly.......better quality, cause the stuff they use and the hardware and stuff is really good and awesome, but expensive, so we are actully lucky to have the price be what it is. And another thing, sony actully cares about there consumers. Example, the backward compatiblity on ps3 was haveing problems, so they fixed it. I just don't see that microsoft cares about there costomers, nothing they do hints at that.

btw the reason they got rid of backward compatibility is that the emulator software and stuff they used to do that was really expensive and they were losing money with each system they sold, so they rid of it, then they reduced the price of the ps2 so people could still afford to play ps2 & 1 games. At least thats my guess.

yet another long post :p

And just a better ps2???? WTF neder?

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neder's picture
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think bout it the only new features are blu ray motion control psn and thats about it o yah and hardrive

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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neder wrote:
think bout it the only new features are blu ray motion control psn and thats about it o yah and hardrive

And your point is? I mean theres alot more than that AND those are all big features.

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neder's picture
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yeah but look at the wii and the changes it made. also the 360 even had more than the ps3

vision camera
u can create ur own games on it
better graphics
dvd player
music player

im not trying to say that the ps3 is bad or anything because i really do think it is a piece of quality machine and i want 1 really bad im just saying that the ps3 didn't make that much of a revolution in gaming most of it was the wii but some of it was the 360. by the time the ps3 rolled around the 360 had pretty much everything the the ps3 has like
dvd playback
music playback
better graphics
and the wii came up with the motion control so sony pretty much just copied the wii and 360

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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Spiderpig2744's picture
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Yeah i agree with neder. People sometimes just buy it since its a cheap blu-ray player.

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you really like your ps3 dont you brawler

samus256's picture
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actully theres blu-ray players that are cheaper than ps3 now. But theres absolutly no point in geting one because if you get a ps3 you get a whole load of extra stuff, for only just a little bit more.

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neder's picture
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yeh but u don't get that much extra stuff for 300 bucks more than the ps2.

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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samus256's picture
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neder wrote:
yeh but u don't get that much extra stuff for 300 bucks more than the ps2.

Oh really? and movies with superior graphics to anything else (exepet maybe PC but if you want anything good they cost thousands of dollars)
3.wireless internet
5.remote play (access your ps3 from your psp wirelessly and play ps3 games on it etc.)
6. home ( huge 3-D world where you play games, chat with friends, and much more)
7. life with playstation (don't know much about it, go to to learn about it) your music (and it can be played pretty much anytime, while useing a different feature etc.)
9. photo's (pretty baisc feature at this point)
10. internet browser (that has flash player 9 btw)

And theres more that I don't know about or didn't mention. Go to learn more I guess.

Again I'm not a fanboy, just presenting the fact's.
Oh yeah and I still like the wii best, were just not talking about it lol

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neder's picture
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whatever i still think sony copied microsoft and nintendo

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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samus256's picture
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How did they do that? The only thing I can think of is the motion control, but thats different.

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neder's picture
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the motion control is the same (u even use it baseball games)
they copied microsoft by having psn equivlent to xbl dvd playback music playback better graphics photos

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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brawler9686's picture
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Totaly agree with Supersamus the Ps3 is way better than the ps2 the PS3 has PSN blu ray and it goes on and on. Here is a great example

Most of those BB reviews on the cons say RROD, 60$ a yr for online and ext..Now look at the Ps3 reviews

You see a greater difference with most of the cattegories rated 5 stars
and over all its rated .4 more than the Xbox 360. Don't get me wrong I like all three consoles alot (Wii,Ps3,Xbox 360) but Ps3 is better in my perspective.