Linksys, Terible Customer Service

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Caltus's picture
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SO i will make my rant short cause i dont expect ppl want to hear that much about my terrible situation. oh and another post that would benefit from a General Chat option *cough* arvin *cough*

any-hoo so i am home housesitting for the week and i though it would be a great chance to try out my Linksys Wireless aming adapter for my xbox (i know its a wii site but alot of us have multiple systems) so after having no luck getting it to work i find a tech support number and give it a call, i talk to a very helpful technician for over an hr and we have no luck and she tells me i will be contacted with in the hr to speak with her supervisor. 2 hrs pass no call so i call back and i am treated very rudely and eventually hung up on, i call again and this next person tells me that because the item is past warranty that inorder to help me i must pay 30+ dollars...unaceptable considering the amount of time i have already spent on the phone and this was never mentioned during the 1st hour of working with a technician\...needless to say this all started around noon today, it is now 7 and i am still on hold waiting to talk to a customer service technician...i no longer uses linksys routers and wouldnt have bought this gaming adapter if the microsoft one wasnt 3 times more expensive. any way just another reason to stear clear of anything made by linksys, there affordable for a reason and that reason isnt because they work good.

okay so it was longer then i wanted but thank you for barring with me


Dodo_JZ's picture
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i dont mean to rain on your parade, but i have a linksys router and it works perfectly fine with my wii, my DS, my printer and my sisters laptop although, i was thinking of buying an xbox360 so thanks for the headsup.

(insert text here)

Cheers :)

phantomphenoix's picture
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I also have a Lynksis router ant it also works fine. At least I know about this

Cheesy142's picture
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I also have a linksys router and it also works perfectly fine for my computer my sisters laptop and my familys wii!

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phantomphenoix's picture
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I almost frogot. It also works for my wii also.

Cheesy142's picture
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And my dads laptop and my familys laptop

I represent the Lollipop Guild!

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phantomphenoix's picture
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And for all of the computers in my house.

Caltus's picture
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the post was mainly about the customer service, not how well the product works or doesnt not work, the life of my last linksys router was about 2 years and then it just stopped working for no reason, it worked fine up until that point. I personally take alot of stock in a companies customer service, i work in a field that revolves around customer service and even if you put out a fantastic product if you dont treat your customers right then i will look to a different company/product every time.


Dodo_JZ's picture
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none of anything that this topic was about when you originally posted had anything to do with WLTP.

(insert text here)

Cheers :)

Caltus's picture
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This is true and i posted in my original post that this is another post that would benefit from a "gen chat" section, as you know Dodo we do not have a place for random off topic posts. If the masses only want to hear about wii news or podcast info on these forums that is fine and i will not share anything related to gaming if it doesnt not pertain to the wii or the podcast

my post was a courtesy to you all to warn you about the incident i had with a fairly popular company.


Dodo_JZ's picture
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lol, i guess i missed that part, it was long so i kind of skimmed through it, but from now on, to make it easier, everyone post off topic topics in the Latest News Forum.

(insert text here)

Cheers :)

duksandfish's picture
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OK will do, thoug ill still pots my wii lessons stiff in the wii teach you bit
duksandfish3 (ftw)

Dodo_JZ's picture
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thats not off topic lol, its about wii podcasting, its a wii teach you so obviously, i mean to substitute the latest news forum as a gen forum.

(insert text here)

Cheers :)