Episode 20: Points suggestion

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beyondmany's picture
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Hey Arvin, Ben, and readers:
Would you be open to a paypal donate fund (a button on the homepage) toward helping pay merchandise setup costs?
I'd love a t-shirt soon!

duksandfish's picture
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I'd like to ask another question about points
In podcast 20 you said points could be used to "reduce the cost of merchandise"
Does this mean we cannont buy merchandise entirely with points if we have enough?

Lostman1027's picture
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Aww man..I missed episode 20! But the Paypal suggestion is great!

zaff2000's picture
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i was just thinking of the same thing expect i couldn't do it i do not have paypal or credit card

Lostman1027's picture
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That's true. Not a lot of people on this site have credit cards.

phantomphenoix's picture
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or even pay pal accounts because it requires a credit card. I think.

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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dude points are nice and all but im totally paying for my own tshirts
i want these to keep coming and id gladly pay for some decent merch

Proud defeater of Mega Man 9

Lostman1027's picture
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I know. Arvin and Ben deserve money for all there hard work.

Poppa Trizzle
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this may be kinda expensive
but there could be a wii points card (just the code... so no mailing/shipping/handling fees) for someone who has enough points

Lostman1027's picture
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That's a good idea. If somebody is lazy and doesn't want to go to the store or doesn't have a credit card they can just get one instantly from the site.

bleu's picture
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Yeah that would be kinda cool to be able to spend pts on a Wii pts card. But it would take lots of points, cause they are pretty expensive.

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