ben and arvin over here

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zaff2000's picture
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i sent u a e-mail about 2 weeks ago i have heard no repose i am not tring to be rude its just i was wondering what the answer was

Dodo_JZ's picture
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Um...You shouldnt be so pushy. They have to go to school, study,
and work. They have a pretty big schedule. They probably dont check their email very often. Dont forget they also get hundreds of email a week so it would be unfair to take your email as to someone who emailed first. Be more patient, they will get to you when they can. Oh and dont think im mad im just pointing out that they might not have the time.

The Dodo JZ

Cheers :)

Arvin's picture
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Hey Zaff,

While I keep apologizing for not getting back to you, unfortunately this is a horrible time for Ben and I. We're neck deep in studying and other commitments. So my recommendation to all those that want to submit their own content content or ideas is to just make something and send it to us. We're looking to see what you are capable of. So if you have an idea run with it, make it, and if we like it we'll put it on the show. That's the best we can do, and we think it's the most realistic way of doing things.

phantomphenoix's picture
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I will feel the same way when it comes to next week because of mid-terms the week after next week. I will have to be neck deep in studing also.