any news

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Caltus's picture
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Just curious if you guys got a chance to tape this past weekend, just getting into finals here at JWU in charlote, I know..I know...Finals!!!, we are on trimester so they come around alot more frequent then most schools =). I need a short respite from studying and a good Podcast usually does the trick. Any way just trolling for some news


Arvin's picture
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Sadly we didn't get a chance to shoot this weekend. We're hoping for this coming Saturday or Sunday with a Monday release. There should be a bunch of things we can cover including two game reviews.

Sucks to hear you're already into finals. I have a second midterm on Saturday morning myself. Best of luck!

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Sorry to hear about the film competition, im sure what ever you guys came up with was great, sucks to not get recognized though. It always nice when you respond to questions on the forum, i mean you could of just left the response in your blog post and left it at that...i mean who does that ;)


sand hokage
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sand hokage you guys are awesome dont let this get u down

phantomphenoix's picture
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I'm lucky because I dont have mid-terms in 5 1/2 weeks from now. I still sucks for me because I still have to go to school. Bet of luck to you guys. :)(:

KillerBunny's picture
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Hey everybody, I just set up a You Tube account and made a few videos. I have a review, and two videos on the free offer sites. I am trying one of the sites to see if they really work and documenting the whole process. I plan to add some more reviews and maybe a top 5 or 10 list or two. Any feedback on the review and other videos to come would be greatly appreciated. Also any help with my quest to find the truth about these sites would be... well... helpful.

Here is the link to my You Tube site:

phantomphenoix's picture
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are the reviews for games and wii channels or another thing?