a note about Xmas Episode

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Dwenden's picture
Joined: 2007/12/30
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Hello all! New Wii owner (got mine day after Xmas through the rain-check that GameStop did in the US) and new forum member here. I just finished watching all the podcast and think this is a great service that is being provided, honest reviews/info/rumors (haha) from two "real" people and others and not someone who is paid to play a game and write a review (my ideal job by the way!) I wanted to include something that I saw way back when GuitarHero 2 was announced (back in '06) about song inclusion into the game. They had a contest to get your song in the game. Here is a link about it but I think all the original site and info was removed after the contest.


I never saw anything about them doing something similar to this for GH3 but I think that might be something to do to try and get the intro band into the game. Sorry its a wordy post but excited about Wii and bored at work. haha


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intro band = inoke errati

The Dodo JZ

Cheers :)