A couple of questions on christmas episode???

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phantomphenoix's picture
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1. Ben, which do you think it hotter? Samus Arun? The lady in tomb Raider (I cant remember her name)? or Midna from The legend of Zelda?
2. I am just a little suspisious, but when you mentioned that some people were getting active were you reffering to me or to people including me?

I dont know if you 2 ment to not say it or not but the American Nintendo website has ben changed to accomidate the wii and the DS. I looks a lot fancier than the last one did.

phantom phenoix

p.s. I was just courious about those things

Dodo_JZ's picture
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1. =O they are animated!!!! (Lara Croft - Angelina Jolie)
2. he was refering to all of the ppl who participate in the forums
3. ???

The Dodo JZ

Cheers :)

Ben's picture
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Hey. What's going on? (just wanted to add to the questions myself)

Well those are some intriguing questions that I will do my best to answer.

1. I think Laura Croft is probably the hottest (I have a thing for dark hair), but not Angelina Jolie (that is for you Dodo). I actually don't care for her that much, I've always been an Audrey Hepburn fan.
2. You two are probably the most active, but we were trying to think of the forums as a whole really. We love the fact that they are so busy.
I personally had no idea about the Nintendo site, I can't speak for Arvin on that though.

Thanks for the questions - that was fun.

Later people,

phantomphenoix's picture
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Thanx. I was just wondering since I just watched the podcast last night.

Caltus's picture
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Lol @ Audrey Hepburn, one sexy lady


Dodo_JZ's picture
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i don't like angelina jolie, i was just pointing out she is the person who plays lara croft in tomb raider to answer phantompheonix and i have no personal favourites when it comes to stars....no really.

The Dodo JZ

Cheers :)

phantomphenoix's picture
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I was just asking who was the hottest of those three animated charecters. I have no people I like eather.