
5 replies [Last post]
moneyr's picture
Joined: 2009/01/05
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have yall shot 28:1 and do yall have a month or any time

Ben's picture
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I don't understand the question.
Episode 28 Part 1 is up and Part 2 is on the way.

neder's picture
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i think what he meant was have you shot part 2 yet

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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moneyr's picture
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srry mybad lollol

Camper's picture
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lol see moneyr told u have to be mroe experienced with this kinda thing hmm well even though u are not everyones gonna understand it like most others would

moneyr's picture
Joined: 2009/01/05
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they new wat i meant just a type 'O'