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episode 22 not so good

bleu's picture
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Yeah I thought 25 minutes was too short. I noticed that they didn't do Wii Teach You, Wii Report, or Discussion Review. I think that they wasted too much time in the first half instead of doing those things. And if they can't plan a Bash the PS3, then I think they should not try at the last minute. (they might have planned it, but it wasnt so good) My favorite episode was 19 cause they had lots in it.

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If there are going to be three hosts, they should really spend the dough for a second microphone.

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I don't care what you guys thought! I thought it was GREAT! The first half was funny I don't think it was a waste. And... Since my computer memory is low... 25 Minutes was still great and it dosen't do much to my computer's memory. (which is a mac BTW)

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I'm not saying I didn't think it was funny. It was. But it was not really long enough to include enough stuff.

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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yeah i thought it was short and the info was boring
and i hardly could hear James

Luigi's picture
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i just got 0 info