It seems as though Ben has been covering for me in my absence which has been a big help, though not much progress has been made on the site or the last episodes we shot. On top of that I will be leaving for Washington DC on March third till the 9th to attend DrupalCon 2009.
So I will be working super hard this weekend trying to get the episode done and out on Monday before I leave. The hope is then to finish up the website stuff including the Moderator application form, review structures and whatever other goodies I can learn while at the conference.
Thanks for being such awesome and dedicated members of our little community.
Arvin out!
sweet! also, if you go by pittsburgh ill see you (non-stalker way of course)
wait how do you know you will see him
maybe you should arrange a meeting place and bring a camera and upload it to youtube and then on this site!
finally, YAY!!
well, it was a joke, besides i love at least 40 mintues from the highway you would take (unless you fly then i would wave) but im sick anyway
so, in conclusion if flyign over pittsburgh you see a dot waving it's probly me
lol if you c plane tape it and put it on youtube and say its arvin
Awesome! Out right after my b-day!
Happy Birthday.
The episode should be out Tomorrow.
Ok I lied... it will be out tomorrow (Tuesday)
sweet. and what about me my birthday was the 28th
Great job on the new episode Arvin and Ben, and those site statistics are amazing. It shows how much this site is growing, and there is always at least 25 guests online when I log on (55 right now!).
im checking itunes right now