I love the Studio Ghobli style atmosphare, music and feel of this game, this has to be good! common 3rd party wii developers lets show nintendo what games really are supposed to be!
(5 votes)
I love the Studio Ghobli style atmosphare, music and feel of this game, this has to be good! common 3rd party wii developers lets show nintendo what games really are supposed to be!
looks great, i need to know more of the story before i buy it though, thanks
ya wat is this anyway?
I think its called Fragile, it looks really good.
Here is a little bit about Fragile from the wiicast =)
Fragile is an interesting survival horror/adventure game coming to the Wii this year. The story revolves around Seth, a young boy in charge of a laboratory set atop some ruins (or so the translation would have you believe). According to a Japanese game site, Fragile will tell a story from the perspective of three people. Seth - the main hero, Rent - the heroine and a mysterious girl named Chiyo.
The Wii remore will act as a flashlight and metal detector allowing you to peruse the environments in search of treasure. Movement is controlled by the Nunchuck. Along the way you will be aided by a creepy Rooster-looking guy who sells you items out of a dilapidated baby carriage.
The game’s premise seems…unique. I’m really excited to see what the final product will be like. I’m digging the art style and the graphics are looking top-notch. How about you guys? Does Fragile interest you or is it a bit too bizarre for your tastes? Check out the gallery below for new screens.
Check this out for more info and screens of Fragile: http://8bitrebels.com/?s=Fragile+wii&x=6&y=7
Wow this is gonna suck
cant understand oh wait i know y its in japanese