It looks awesome but Nintendo got mad at Bungie and the game got canceled. I found a video of it from some testers who had gotten an early version of the game.
(3 votes)
It looks awesome but Nintendo got mad at Bungie and the game got canceled. I found a video of it from some testers who had gotten an early version of the game.
yes, I found this already a while back on youtube also. It looks pretty sweet.
I've never played Halo, but it looks cool. Why does Nintendo always take the side of Family Values. At least they are relaxing thier standards with the Wii, but really allow 3rd party devolopers to put out quality content for ALL AGES.
Why Nintendo, WHY????????
oh ya ive seen this...but why did they cancel it? it would make he ds an even more success
In answer of those of you who haven't played Halo, it's pretty much a FPS with.....well, extremely stepped up game play. It's like your favourite FPS only better. The story is quite interesting too.
You'd have to play it in order to really understand it.
And in response to why this game isn't in my DS right now. It looks amazing, but I bet it's not only Nintendo who fought against it, Microsoft still owns shares of Halo, so they didn't want it to happen either. Bungie was fighting against two franchises to make us, the gamers, happy. I should think Microsoft and Nintendo would be smart enough to jump on the train. I bet a lot of DS owners my age or slightly younger would pick-up this game and play it. Firstly, Halo is a huge franchise and this game would have sold literally millions with DS being the best selling game system at the moment, so Microsoft would have made money off of the shares, and I bet that Xbox owners would buy a DS just so they can play Halo portably, so Nintendo would have sold more DSs than they've already sold.
I wish there was a way we could get this game to exist, but it doesn't seem so.