What Nintendo thought the Wii would be

This is a pic of what Nintendo thought the Wii would end up looking like. What were they thinking? At first the Wii was going to be called the Revolution.

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bleu's picture
on June 5, 2008 - 7:14pm

That would be awesome, but Nintendo was only using "Revolution" as a code name for Wii, which they planned to use all along. But why would it need 4 usb ports and why would they be on the front? I do like the 2 SD slots, though. I don't like the flip-up slim PS2 disk thing, though.

spiderpig24's picture
on June 5, 2008 - 7:22pm

I would buy it. I just don't see why they would put 4 USB ports on the front either.

bleu's picture
on June 5, 2008 - 7:25pm

Unless those 4 are supposed to be controller ports, but I don't see why they would be called USB. :S

bleu's picture
on June 5, 2008 - 7:26pm

(Crap, I keep thinking of new stuff, and I can't edit. Please let us edit these, Arvin.) Well, those "USB" things don't even look like USB plug-up things.

spiderpig24's picture
on June 5, 2008 - 9:22pm

If you look close between the two memory card slots, it says DVD. Was Nintendo thinking about DVD playback?

wiilikepi's picture
on June 6, 2008 - 7:44pm

It looks kinda weird but I think the DVD thing would be cool.

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