(I did a search on the site, and did not see this posted, so I'm sorry if it is a duplicate.)
There is a cool site called www.wiisave.com
There, you can transfer Wii save data to your Wii for your Wii and Virtual Console games, using an SD card I'm sure it would not be very nice to "cheat" in games like GH3 and Brawl, but for games like Super Metroid or Mario 64 (on the virtual console) it has its advantages.
I just tried it out for the first time today, and it went smoothly. I've not tried any Wii save data, just Virtual Console data.
Of note: If you copy save data from a SD card to your Wii, you will have to delete the Wii save data first; the Wii does not replace the current save data. Be sure to back up your save data before using content on the site. As Arvin mentioned in episode 14, you can use the commercial software Wii Transfer http://www.riverfold.com/software/wiitransfer/ on the Mac to backup your save data.