Finally getting to hook my Wii up to my HD tv and i wanted to know if any one knows if it is really worth buying the licensed Nintendo cables over third party cables off ebay and what i should be looking for etc etc
Finally getting to hook my Wii up to my HD tv and i wanted to know if any one knows if it is really worth buying the licensed Nintendo cables over third party cables off ebay and what i should be looking for etc etc
Thank for the link.....but im not really trying to build my own, unless theres a section in there about 3rd party developers that i missed.
thanks again
*LOL* I doubt you should try building your own cables. The third party cables should be every bit as good as the Nintendo Brand cables. I haven't heard of any 3rd party cables causing problems so I say give it a go. Still as a precaution make sure you buy them at a major electronic or department store where you can take them back if you have problems.
I ended up getting mine from a reputable guy on ebay. Paid a total of 6 bucks. That was two months ago and the cables haven't given me any trouble. Progressive scan (480p) games on a big hdtv look good.
Others (like Wii sports) will have some jagged edges, but better color.
This is the first thread
rememebr the good ol' days when arvin wanted to make a wireless sensor bar
before that site update so long ago, there were older threads. they had people i hadn't heard of, and I remember every person on this thread.
Get then nintendo 1, better quality, and if you dont think its worth it, then it has warranty
(break it in a non-suspicios way and you can get ur money bk lol)