granted but it blows your tv up
i wish xmas would come faster
granted but it blows your tv up
i wish xmas would come faster
granted but all you get is coal
i whish for more snow
granted but your house gets destroyed
i wish winter would never end
lol nice fid ning a pic o flucy without any nudity
above is just for randomness
schoolchildren who are summer starved attack your house and kill you (lol is this the wish or fight game rofl)
i wish for the conduit
granted but you die because u are amazed at the awesomeness
i wish the full windows 7 version was being released tomorrow
granted but it crashes your computer (pc's suck)
i wish ben would post that conduit interview
granted but half the interview is making fun of yur post count
i wish microsoft and nitnendo has a baby named wii 360 which has all the stuff from both consels.
that would be awesome but i think it would be named wii 60
i wish it would snow where i live
granted but you freezz to death
i wish for more episodes of AIR and RomeoXJuliet (new faveorite animes)
grnated but lucy coem sin and says
lucy: yo homeboy, what you doin? what about me? what about us?
and then she blows your head up
i wish sonic and the black knight does not suck
granted but they toss the idea when it gets good
then i wish for more elfen lied episodes (and lucy dosn't talk like that)
granted but disney is making it *dramatic music*
i wish 28.5 acutally comes out lol
AHHH and granted
ok i wish for more chapters of Akuma to Dolce (new manga im reading about a girl who bakes sweets for satan(i didn't make that up))
would you like more muffins satan?
oh sure molly!
rofl, granted but then it's sponsered my betty crocker and then it fails,
umm, i wish the wii gets a hard drive
(actully he prefers chocolate cake)
granted but it has 2 bytes of storage
i wish for a hug from hannah that didn't get me beat up or ruin our friendship
hannah montanna? lol
imagine if hannah did read this rofl awkward..
umm, granted but you bump heads in the process then get hit by a bus.
ok, i wish for 169.99 so i can buy a dsi
i would hug hannah montana (if i had a knif in my hand)
granted but its play money
i wish i wasn't failing history and english
granteed but you fail math and science
i wish for a hug from lucy
(i didn't know you liked elfen lied SS) granted but she decapatates you
i wish for the ultimate manga that had everything i wanted (darkness, tragedy, romance, sadness)
grnated but the "lucy" in this one was a guy 0.o
i wish my mii looked like me
granted but that means it ugly (burn)
i wish my homework was done
grnated but your teacher thinsk you cheated and gave you a F
i wish the DSI wen to 149.99
granted but its sold out when you get there
i wish for chocolet cake
granted... but wait thats not chcolet
i wish for mad world
granted, but your wii crashes and there are no stores that sell wii's around
i wish i wans't so lonely...
granted but the people are ben and all he wants to do is play atari 720
i wish for a bottemless bag of chilicheese fries
granted but you fall in the bag
i wish i would rember to do my homework (ah heck i rember i just don't do it)
granted but when it's finished it burns up
i wish for pie
grnarted but it's made by that anime chick who bakes for the devil, so he coems and kills you
i wish zelda is for the wii, not the DS!
granted but it blows up your computer
i wish kingdom hearts re: chain of memory's was out, completed and didn't suck or blow my ps2 up
world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-
blizzard has won
thanks for listening
and happy gaming
this post has been brought to you by the number 4