As I sit in class... (there is episode 25 info in here somewhere)

Hey everybody,

I know, I know. It has been a long time since we have done an update, and A while since I had any communication with you fine people. School is keeping me quite busy, but living in another city has been partially exciting. By that I mean some things are new and wonderful, and others are exactly the same, (such as my laziness and general lack of motivation).

I guess we all have to work with what we have.

I am scrounging my pennies to afford NHL. How excited am I for that game.

Down to what most (alright all) of you are looking forward to. Episode 25. Once you see it I hope you will understand why it took us so long to shoot and Arvin so much time to edit. It really was a ton of work for Arvin especially with me in a far away land. Please be nice to him.
It should be up very soon. If all goes PERFECTLY, which almost never happens, the big 25 should be up this week (maybe tomorrow, maybe not).
There goes that uncertainty and speculation we are so well known for.

I better get back to class, the teacher is starting to talk again.

Hope all is well (and you still love us),

P.S. Buy T-shirts. We made them for you (at our own expense).
Thank you.

bleu's picture
on September 11, 2008 - 2:42pm

haha hope you get completely settled. Thanks for the update.

Steve's picture
on September 11, 2008 - 3:48pm

sweet, im not making any promises but i might get a t shirt for christmas

Yelinyellow's picture
on September 11, 2008 - 5:30pm

Yes Ep 25 lets hope it's not like Star wars episode 1

Ctopher's picture
on September 11, 2008 - 6:35pm

yeah laziness and general lack of motivation!!!

www.swagbucks.comSLASHreferSLASHsuntothedeep's picture
on September 11, 2008 - 8:53pm

lol jk anyways gonna watch episode 25 today and i cant wait to watch it looks like its gonna be great...good luck in school! and big ups to arvin for all his hard work on the editing

bleu's picture
on September 12, 2008 - 5:27pm

yeah great job getting it out 1 day later from this blog post

bleu's picture
on September 12, 2008 - 7:31pm

looks like "it all goes perfectly" and you got it out in one day! great episode, really liked the new intro.

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