I deleted Homebrew after having it for 2 days.....then updated my wii.

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jasonsman79's picture
Joined: 2009/09/22
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Is my wii gonna be ok? i mean i hacked it or whatever. then i felt bad so i wanted to get rid of it. plus i couldnt really find anything interesting about it. i googled some stuff and it said that if u delete the hbc and then update the wii its all good. but i also read somewhere it could brick....:-( im just at a loss and im having real bad anxiety about it. cuz i love my wii and ive always paid for everything. but i decided to check and see what all the hype was.

Alekazam's picture
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It doesn't do anything. I deleted it off of my Wii just after 1 day, updated it, it's totally fine.

jasonsman79's picture
Joined: 2009/09/22
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awesome! thank you!